
Plumbing Frustrations: Water Pressure Dropping in Shower

Whether it’s a sudden drop or a consistent problem, the fact remains: Without adequate water pressure, a shower goes from enjoyable to annoying. Before you can fix the problem, you need to get to the bottom of what’s causing it in the first place. To do so, start by asking…

What You Need to Know About Zoned HVAC Systems

How many times have you walked into an area of your home and found that it was uncomfortably hot, or very chilly? How often do you set and reset the thermostat to different temperatures, trying to close the temperature gap between the upstairs and the downstairs? For many homeowners, this…

What is a Start Assist Kit? An Important Air Conditioner Tool

A Start Assist Kit goes by many names. You may have seen it referred to as a Hard Start Kit or a Compressor Saver. No matter what you call it, a Start Assist Kit is an electrical tool that attaches to the condensing unit of your air conditioner. The extra…

What Are Orangeburg Pipes? A Guide for Homeowners

Hidden beneath your home is a sewer pipe that, if all is going well, usually goes unnoticed. But, depending on the age of your home, you may be dealing with a problem lurking underground. That problem is Orangeburg pipes. If your home has these pipes, you’re looking at a potentially…

Learn How To Use Your Hot Water Heater

You may not think much about your hot water heater, and it’s easy to see why. All you have to do is turn on the tap and the water makes its way to you. In reality, the process isn’t so simple. Your hot water heater goes through an intricate process…

What To Look For When Your AC Is Not Working

When the consistent dull hum of your air conditioner is replaced with sudden silence, it’s time to spring into action. Time is of the essence when it comes to troubleshooting (and fixing) an air conditioner that won’t turn on. As indoor temperatures rise, your home can go from cool and…

7 Reasons Your Energy Bills are Getting Higher

Are your energy bills going up, up, up this summer? With unforgiving temperatures here to stay for the near future, you’re probably relying more on your air conditioner than usual. But that doesn’t mean high bills should be the norm. Here are seven reasons why you may suddenly be paying…

The 4-1-1 on HVAC Contractor Education and Certification

In any professional industry, there are reputable businesses and not-so reputable businesses. The HVAC industry is no different. While recommendations and online reviews are a good place to start, you shouldn’t overlook the importance of education and certification when it comes to choosing an HVAC company or contractor. It could…

9 Ways to Conserve Water in the Summer

Only 1% of the Earth’s water is suitable for human use. At least 40 states, including Arizona, expect water shortages at the local, state, or regional level within the coming years. That’s why every drop counts when it comes to water and water usage in the home. Rising temperatures lead…

Air Conditioner Noise: What’s Normal and What’s Not

What’s that noise? It might be your air conditioner. Whether it’s a click in the night, a constant dull hum, or a sudden high-pitched squeal, your air conditioner may be trying to tell you something through the noises it makes. Some noises are nothing to worry about, while others are…