Broken AC System: Repair or Replace?

It’s that age-old dilemma that every homeowner must one day face. You’ve noticed that your Phoenix heating and air conditioning system is no longer blowing crisp, cool air. Or maybe the system just conked out completely. So, what do you do – pay for repairs or invest in a new system?

The decision can seem like a gamble, where you don’t know which choice will lead to the “big win.” But it doesn’t have to be. The Phoenix heating and air conditioning experts at Chas Roberts Air Conditioning and Plumbing get asked this question all the time, and can provide some tips on how to know which decision is best for you and your system.

  • Has your Phoenix heating and air conditioning system been relatively trouble free up until now and does it still seem to be mechanically sound? If you answered “yes,” then repairing might be an option.
  • Do you plan on moving soon? If you answered “yes,” then consider repairing over replacing because you may not get back your investment on a new system when you sell your home.
  • How old is your system? Most systems last anywhere from six to 12 years. So if your answer is closer to the higher end of this spectrum, consider replacement. Making costly repairs may be throwing good money after bad. Also, technological improvements in efficiency have been made in newer units and could save you money on cooling costs.
  • Have you had to weather previous hot temperatures with a repeatedly broken-down system? If you answered “yes,” replacement may be best, or you may risk dealing with a broken system during the hottest time of year – again.
  • Does anyone in your family have allergies or breathing concerns? If “yes,” look into replacing your current system with a new Phoenix heating and air conditioning that will help improve indoor air quality, and is the correct size for your home with proper duct sealing.
  • Do you like to take advantage of great deals? If you answered “yes,” then now is the time to consider replacement. Chas Roberts is currently offering attractive incentives on new systems from top manufacturers Trane and Carrier.

Those Trane and Carrier incentives aren’t going to last forever. Don’t wait – contact Chas Roberts today for an appointment for replacement or repair. To schedule an appointment, visit or call (602) 943-3426 in Phoenix, (520) 618-1884 in Tucson or (505) 264-7257 in New Mexico.