Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters: Everything You Need To Know

The choice between a tank vs. tankless water heater can pose a significant decision when it comes to ensuring hot water is readily available in your home.

Chas Roberts doesn’t just do excellent work in HVAC installation, we offer top-notch plumbing service all over the Phoenix Valley for your plumbing and water heater needs as well.

Both types of  water heating systems have their advantages and considerations, and understanding the differences between them is crucial for making an informed choice. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and drawbacks of tank and tankless water heaters to help you determine which one best suits your needs.

80 years

Tank Water Heaters:

Tank water heaters have long been the standard choice for residential hot water systems. Here’s what you need to know about them:

1. Functionality:

Tank water heaters work by storing a reservoir of hot water in a large tank. This heated water is continuously available for use whenever needed, providing a consistent supply of hot water throughout the day.

2. Installation:

One consideration with tank water heaters is their size. These units typically require ample space for installation, including a dedicated area for the tank and proper ventilation to ensure safe operation. Chas Roberts’ licensed plumbers, known all around the Phoenix Valley for their excellent work on water heater installation, are here to help with your water heater installation.

3. Cost:

In terms of upfront costs, tank water heaters generally offer more affordability compared to their tankless counterparts. However, it’s essential to factor in long-term operating costs, including energy consumption and maintenance expenses.

4. Maintenance:

Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of a tank water heater. This includes tasks such as flushing the tank periodically to remove sediment buildup, which can affect performance and energy efficiency.

5. Energy Efficiency:

While newer models of tank water heaters are more energy-efficient than older ones, they still have inherent inefficiencies. Despite advancements, such as improved insulation, standby heat should be a concern because it leads to higher energy bills over time.

Investing in a new HVAC installation can be one of the best ways to save energy in your home, but don’t sleep on the opportunity to save energy and money with a new, energy-efficient water heater.

Tankless Water Heaters:

Tankless water heaters offer a more modern alternative to traditional tank models. Here’s what sets them apart:

1. On-Demand Heating:

Unlike tank water heaters, which store hot water in a reservoir, tankless units heat water directly as it passes through the unit. This on-demand heating system eliminates the need for a storage tank, providing hot water instantaneously.

2. Space-Saving Design:

One of the primary advantages of tankless water heaters is their compact size. Because tankless units don’t require a large storage tank, they can install them in smaller spaces, making them ideal for homes with limited room.

3. Energy Efficiency:

Renowned for their energy efficiency, tankless water heaters may even help you qualify for special government tax credit incentives. By heating water only when needed, these units can significantly reduce energy consumption compared to tank models, potentially leading to lower utility bills over time.

4. Longevity:

Tankless water heaters typically have a longer lifespan than tank models. With proper maintenance, a tankless unit can last up to 20 years or more, providing reliable hot water for many years to come.

5. Installation Costs:

Chas Roberts continues to work hard to keep the cost of water heater installation low. While the initial cost of a tankless water heater may be higher than that of a tank model, the long-term savings on energy bills and the extended lifespan of the unit can offset the investment.

Important Factors to Consider:

When deciding between a tank and tankless water heater, you should take several factors into account:

1. Household Size:

Consider the size of your household and your typical hot water usage patterns. Larger households with higher hot water demands may benefit from the continuous supply provided by a tank water heater.

2. Space Constraints:

Evaluate the available space for installation. If you have limited space, a tankless water heater may be the better option due to its compact design.

3. Upfront Budget:

Take into account your budget for both the initial purchase and water heater installation costs, as well as long-term energy savings.

4. Energy Efficiency Goals:

If reducing energy consumption is a priority, a tankless water heater may align better with your goals.

5. Lifestyle:

Consider your hot water usage habits, such as simultaneous showers or laundry loads, to determine which type of heater can meet your needs effectively.


In conclusion, the choice between a tank vs. tankless water heater depends on various factors, including household size, space constraints, budget, and energy efficiency goals. Both options offer distinct advantages and considerations, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. By weighing these factors carefully and considering your specific needs and preferences, you can select the water heating system that best suits your home and lifestyle. Whether you opt for the familiarity of a tank water heater or the efficiency of a tankless model, investing in the right solution is essential for the comfort and convenience of your household.

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